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VEGA T-3 TRIMMER for men, USB charging, quick charge, 90 minutes run time, cordless, travel lock - 20 length settings starting 0.4mm + Vega Miss Dazzle Styling Set (VHSS-02), Black


vega t-3 trimmer for men usb charging quick charge 90 minutes run time cordless travel lock - 20 length settings starting 04mm  vega miss dazzle styling set vhss-02 black

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8th Jan 2023 ₹1,290 Lowest Price
₹2,485 Average Price
27th Apr 2022 ₹2,950 Highest Price
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Current Pricing of VEGA T-3 TRIMMER for men, USB charging, quick charge, 90 minutes run time, cordless, travel lock - 20 length settings starting 0.4mm + Vega Miss Dazzle Styling Set (VHSS-02), Black
Price: ₹2,320
4th Apr 2023, 09:22:16 AM

Price History of VEGA T-3 TRIMMER for men, USB charging, quick charge, 90 minutes run time, cordless, travel lock - 20 length settings starting 0.4mm + Vega Miss Dazzle Styling Set (VHSS-02), Black

As Per Price History, VEGA T-3 TRIMMER for men, USB charging, quick charge, 90 minutes run time, cordless, travel lock - 20 length settings starting 0.4mm + Vega Miss Dazzle Styling Set (VHSS-02), Black's lowest price is ₹1,290. The Average Price of Product is ₹2,485. Highest ever price is ₹2,950. Along with Deals, Coupon & Discounts, Now you can Get it at ₹2320. Read our Pricing Disclosure,

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₹2320 Buy Now Redirect to amazon.in

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  • ₹2320 after Applying offers
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VEGA T-3 TRIMMER for men, USB charging, quick charge, 90 minutes run time, cordless, travel lock - 20 length settings starting 0.4mm + Vega Miss Dazzle Styling Set (VHSS-02), Black's Today's Price starts from ₹2320.

Product Technical Information

Product Code B08QLJMSH5
Market Place amazon.in
Market Place Name Amazon India
Rating 4.5
Home > VEGA T-3 TRIMMER for men USB charging quick charge 90 minutes run time cordless travel lock - 20 length settings starting 04mm Vega Miss Dazzle Styling Set VHSS-02 Black